Capacity of the line for bottling of water is 13000 bottles per hour, with effective annual capacity of 120 millions litres, or 80 millions of bottles.
Capacity of the line for injection molding of preforms is between 13000 and 16000 per hour.
We are currently bottling water in bottles of 1,5l and 0,5l.
Within the assembly building there is a possibility to install another line for bottling of water with much larger capacity, which is enabled by two springs with 20 l/s (total capacity 40 l/s) with
constant stability during the year.
The Ministry of agriculture, trade and forestry established and certified water reserves in the wells to be 13,5 liters.
The 350m and 275m deep springs have “protective cap” of clay 109m in depth and 241 m of limestone. The factory has exploitation right over spring which is automatically extended every 5 years.
Concession and the right of use for springs can be transferred to another entities.
The amount of concession currently paid to the state is 1,3750 dinars/l.